
VITATOP is a complementary feed for trained horses submitted to intensive e orts or for anaemic, convalescent and old horses.

VITATOP provides iron, A, D, B groups’ vitamins, in a drinkable solution for an easy and quick absorption.

Its components improve red cells production and allow a better oxygen transportation in the blood, and to muscles, organs and tissues, to enhance resistance in the e ort.

Product Description

VITATOP is a complementary feed for trained horses submitted to intensive e orts or for anaemic, convalescent and old horses.

VITATOP provides iron, A, D, B groups’ vitamins, in a drinkable solution for an easy and quick absorption.

Its components improve red cells production and allow a better oxygen transportation in the blood, and to muscles, organs and tissues, to enhance resistance in the e ort.

Methionine protect the hepatic system for an optimal comfort in the e ort.

Informations nutritionnelles

Nutrition facts

Constituants analytiques par litre

Analytical constituents per liter:

Oligo-éléments / Trace element:

Fer (sulfate) / Iron (sulfate)

5670 ppm

Sélénium / Selenium

7 ppm

Vitamines / Vitamins:

Vitamine A / Vitamin A


Vitamine D3 / Vitamin D3

211 500 UI

Niacine / Niacin

8 220 mg

Choline / Choline

5 580 mg

Vitamine B1 / Vitamin B1

2 200 mg

Inositol / Inositol

1 900 mg

Vitamine B2 / Vitamin B2

820 mg

Vitamine E / Vitamin E

660 mg

Acide pantothénique / Pantothénic acid

469 mg

Vitamine B6 / Vitamin B6

293 mg

Acide Folique / Folic acid

88 mg

Vitamine B12 / Vitamin B12

3,3 mg

Biotine / Biotin

0,720 mg

Acide aminés / Aminoacids:

Méthionine / Methionine

0,29 %